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Capture The Flag

by modicum

Two teams, two flags, and one huge city. A free competitive browser-based game influenced by the popular games Urban Dead and Battlefield. We are avid Pastafarians.

Players familiar with these games will recognize the tile-based movement system and a full-fledged commander system, which allows teams to elect a player to receive a bird's-eye view of the battlefield and help their teams with a variety of perks.

The game features a dynamic map rotation system which cycles between three large maps based on the current score. Likewise, when the capture limit is reached, the scores and maps reset to a blank slate. Complete statistics of past matches are archived and viewable straight from the front page.

Furthermore, players have a variety of skill tiers to choose from, allowing complete customization for over 40 levels. Additionally, players' actions are tracked and displayed in an extensive profile system which are displayed on a leaderboard on the front page, giving players full recognition for their achievements.

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