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SUN Nexon

by perverznium

Soul of the Ultimate Nation Episode 2.5

Server Info:

Home Page : http://sun.nexon.to/


Guide page:


Forum page:


YouTube Video Links

 1. http://www.youtube.com/user/pimpa25272ivica?feature=watch ,

2. http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRFn16aCWWvz3u-s23krVJA

Server Rates:

Xp Rate:100x

Drop Rate:100x

Currency Rate:100x

Version name: Battle of Elf Lake

New character added : Mystic

Enchant Stones are added to Grocery Store

New Equipments: Elite 3 sets, Pvp 2 sets

New City war System.

New Area Zone.

Level 2 Wings.

Great Conenction ( everyone have between 2ms-25ms).


Server Specifications


Processor Speed:3.2G x 32


Hosting Location:USA

Name of Host:Nexon

Game Language: English