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by tingo

<b>TingoWar.com</b>, is a brand new strategy game that has appeared on the English market.

You're goal in the game is to <b>create</b> your military base, <b>raise</b> an army, <b>fight</b> other players, and <b>become</b> the best ! The game is totally <b><font color="#900000">free</font></b> and you have no downloads to do !<br /><Br />But TingoWar is not only about fighting. Ally your friends on the game and other players to beat your ennemies, trade on the market to become an economic pillar of the game, spy on players to get informations about your ennemies...<Br />Create your account now and become one of the most powerful of the English Servers !<br /><br /><center><a href="http://www.tingowar.com/en/"><img src="http://www.tingowar.com/en/images/advertising.gif" title="Join now the game for free" /></a></center>